Terms and conditions

Last updated 26 May 2023

Providing accurate information

You are responsible for providing complete and accurate information in your application. The Cambridge Colleges or the University of Cambridge (collectively, the "University") may check the information you provide if they believe that it is incomplete, false or inaccurate.

You must tell us if you believe that the information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete.

The University may also ask you or your referee to provide more information about your application.

The University has the right to cancel your application if:

  • the information you give is inaccurate or incomplete
  • you or your referee do not provide requested information on time
  • you or your referee provide inadequate information

If we cancel your application and you have paid an application fee, we will not refund it.

Your personal information

The University will use the personal information you provide to process your application and decide whether to offer you a place on the course you have applied for.

Read more about how we use your personal information.

Processing your application

We will make all reasonable attempts to process applications and decisions efficiently and accurately. We will try to interview a high proportion of eligible applicants as long as they are available on the published interview dates. However, it is not possible to interview all applicants. Interviews for admission to the University are a mandatory part of the process. If you are not invited to interview, you will not be considered for admission.

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We're happy to help you with any questions you have about your application.
